Maryland Laws on Wage Garnishments, Statute of Limitations on Debt and Bankruptcy Property Exemptions
WAGE GARNISHMENT EXEMPTION:  Greater of 75% or the amount equal to $145 times the number of weeks wages due were earned (except in Caroline, Worchester, Kent & Queen Anne's Counties where federal law applies)

MAXIMUM INTEREST RATE:  Legal: 6%  Judgment: 10% or contract rate


Open Account (credit cards): 3 years 
Written Contract: 3 years
Domestic Judgment: 12 years
Foreign Judgment: 12 years

BAD CHECK LAW DAMAGES:  Twice check amount up to $1000


Can use either the state exemptions below or federal exemptions

The State of Maryland has exempted the property and income below from seizure by the bankruptcy court to pay creditors:

Real Estate:  See "Miscellaneous" section below.
Personal Property:  Clothing, books, tools, appliances and instruments up to $2,500 [Courts and Judicial Proceedings 11-504(b)(1)]; books, clothing, furnishings and household goods, appliances and pets up to $500 total [Courts and judicial proceedings 11-504(b)(4)]; burial plot, unlimited amount [5-503]; health aids, unlimited amount [11-504(b)(3)]; lost future earnings recoveries, unlimited amount [Courts and Judicial Proceedings 11-504(b)(2)]
Debt >  Statutes  > Maryland


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Insurance / Annuities:  Life insurance or annuity contract proceeds if beneficiary is insured's dependent, child or spouse, unlimited amount [Estates and Trusts 8-115]; disability benefits, health benefits, court awards / settlements, unlimited amount [Courts and Judicial Proceedings 11-504(b)(2)]; medical benefits deducted from wages, unlimited amount [Commercial 15-601.1]; fraternal society benefits, unlimited amount [Estates and Trusts 8-115]

Pensions/ Retirement Plans:  State employees, unlimited amount [21-502]; Retirement benefits except IRAs, unlimited amount [Courts and Judicial Proceedings 11-504(h)]
Public Benefits / Entitlements:  Unemployment compensation, unlimited amount [Labor and Employment 8-106]; workers' compensation, unlimited amount [Labor and Employment 9-732]; crime victims' compensation, unlimited amount [27-826]; aid to families with dependent children and general assistance, unlimited amount [88A-73] 
Wages:  Earned but unpaid wages; greater of 75% or $145 per week except in Kent, Caroline and Queen Anne's of Worcester Counties, there up to greater of 75% of actual wages or 30% of federal minimum wage [Commercial 15-601.1]
Miscellaneous:  Any real or personal property up to $5,500 [Courts and Judicial Proceedings 11-504(b)(5) and 11-504(f)]