Auto Calculators

Auto Affordability Calculator -- Find out how much car you can afford before you buy

Leasing vs. Buying Calculator -- Find out if you will save more by leasing a car or by purchasing it

Monthly Payment Calculator -- Find out what your monthly payment will be using different loan amounts, interest rates and months until paid off.

Auto Loan Rate Comparison Calculator -- Compare up to five different auto loans with different interest rates and amounts to find out which loan is the best deal and how much you can save.  Print out a report.

Auto Loan Rebate Comparison Calculator -- Should you take the dealer rebate or apply it to a car loan with a lower interest rate?  This calculator will tell you which is the best option.

Auto Loan Payment Comparison Calculator -- Find out what your monthly payment would be if you took out the same car loan for 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 years.

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